Category Archives: Microsoft Excel

Features of Ms Power Point 2007

Features of Ms Power Point 2007

Microsoft power point Features of Ms Power Point 2007: Power point is an application program that provides facilities for creating presentation. These presentations can be sued directly on the computer screen. You can also print them for different uses. Features

Goal Seeking and Data validation Ms Excel 2007

Goal Seeking and Data validation Ms Excel 2007

Goal Seeking: Goal Seeking and Data validation Ms Excel 2007: Goal seeking is a technique to find values for one or more cells that make the result of a formula equal to specified value. And the following figure shows result

Creating Subtotal and Removing Subtotals from list Ms excel 2007

Creating Subtotal and Removing Subtotals from list Ms excel 2007

Creating Subtotal: Creating Subtotal and Removing Subtotals from list Ms excel 2007: The subtotal feature is use to mathematically summarize data by a particular field. The summary can be of sum. Average, count, maximum, minimum, product etc. the field used

Filter,Auto filter and advanced filter Ms excel 2007

Filter,Auto filter and advanced filter Ms excel 2007

Filter, Auto filter and advanced filter: Filter,Auto filter and advanced filter Ms excel 2007:Filter is use to extract only the records that match criteria. A database is called list in excel. Commands in excel can have different results on database

Creating Charts Using Chart Wizard Ms Excel 2007

Creating Charts Using Chart Wizard Ms Excel 2007

Creating Charts Using Chart Wizard: Creating Charts Using Chart Wizard Ms Excel 2007: Chart wizard displays a set of dialog of dialog boxes to create chart. It is an easier and quicker ways of creating charts. The following procedure is

Charts Ms excel 2007

Charts Ms excel 2007

Charts: Charts Ms excel 2007: Charts are use to present data in a visual format using a variety of graph types. So the data in spreadsheet is use to create a chart. A chart is creates using data points and

Important function in Excel

Important function in Excel

some other function in excel; Important function in Excel Sqrt Function: The sqrt function returns the square root of a number. The syntax for sqrt function is sqrt (number The number is s positive number whose square is required. If 

Important function in Excel 2007

Important function in Excel

Important function in Excel: Some important function in Excel 2007 are as follows: Auto sum The Auto sum function is use to add the contents of adjacent cells. Select the cell where you want to display the sum. Click the

Ms Excel Formula Errors

Ms Excel Formula Errors: Ms Excel Formula Errors & functions :When creating a formula, it is possible that you make a mistake and Excel would not be able to evaluate it correctly. The following errors many appear when creating formula.   Error

Introduction Formulas Ms Excel 2007

Formulas Ms Excel 2007: Formulas Ms Excel 2007:A formula performs calculation  on data and displays the result I a cell. And displays the result in a cell. A formula begins with equal sign =. It can be used for different

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