use of Adjectives

use of Adjectives:


we also discus rules and previous lesson now we are discuss next rules

8.  If two adjectives are being joined or combined within one sentence. The degrees of adjectives must be of equal level or case.

For example:

  • May friend is a bright and wise.
  • He is the brightest and the smartest teacher in the whole staff.

Note; it is worthy to note here that than is always placed after the comparative degree and pronoun is use in a nominative clause.

For example:

  • He is cleverer than i.
  • My elder brother is brighter than my younger brother.
  • She is more hardworking than he.
9.   In the following comparative degrees, to is used after them and pronoun is use in objective clause.

Senior, junior, superior, inferior, prior, prefer, elder, etc.

The following adjective are already superlative degrees, therefore there is no need of using the words more or most before them.

Circular, Equal, Complete Right, Perfect, Final, Round, Exact, Unique, Immoral, Square, Deal, Correct. 

Note; less is use for quantity while few is use for a number. As the following examples show:

  • He has few servants.
  • I bought not less than forty kilos of mangoes.
10.   Some is used for the sentences of positive sense, any is use for the sentence of showing negative sense while, both some and any can be used for an interrogative sentence.

For example:

  • He has borrowed you some money.
  • I don’t give him any money.
  • Do you give him any information?
  • Did they borrow him some money
  • I gave him some coins to purchase daily edibles.


Determiners are such words as are use with nouns to show exactly how the noun is being use Determiners are classified into two groups.

i) Identifiers      ii) Quantifiers

Now we are telling you about Identifiers it have three sub-classses

a)  The Articles A/An (indefinite)

b) Possessives

c) Demonstratives

Articles Words use to limit a noun. like He is writing a letter he eats an apple The theme of this poem is of the universal level.

B) Possessives ….. Words showing ownership e.g

My, your, his, Her, its, our, their, My hand, Your book, Her bracelet, their car

C) Demonstratives: ….The words that showing nearness or distance e.g.

This, that, these, those,

I like this car / these cars,

I like those pens/that pen.

ii) Quantifiers:

know we discuss about quantifiers quantifiers are the words that expressing the quantity of something e.g. Some, Any, no, every, each, either, enough, many, etc.

  • My friend does not have any money today.
  • There is a little milk in the jug.
  • There are many tables in the hall.

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